Archive for the ‘social networking’ Category

SEO out, social media in as ways to attract customers for online business

Monday, July 8th, 2013

SEO, the once all-powerful method of attracting online customers, has been demoted to co-star in the online marketing realm, as social media takes over the starring role.

According to Mark Gustowski, the global business development manager of Pyksis, SEO is just a small facet of online marketing now when trying to grow your customer base.

Much more effective is social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Tumblr and LinkedIn because they offer the opportunity for customer engagement.

Using Twitter as an example, Gustowski says companies can now actively look for potential customers using these social media tools. An online retailer of virus protection software, for example, could use the hashtag (#) search function in Twitter for finding people who have been hit with a virus (#computervirus or #virus) and then further narrow the search to a certain geographical region and then talk one-on-one with those potential customers via Twitter by tweeting to them.

The important thing to remember, Gustowski says, is that social media is all about engagement rather than the ‘hard sell’ and customers should be approached in a conversational manner.

To read more on this story, click here.

Dating site RSVP’d a hefty purchase price

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Founded all the way back in 1997 by Jay Hennock and Hannah Schwartz, Australia’s No. 1 dating site,, sold for close to $40 million to Fairfax in 2005. It is headquartered in Sydney.

To read more about this story, please click here.

SourceBottle connects the people looking to be connected

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

SourceBottle founder Rebecca Derrington must have seemed like an angel to journalists looking for sources for news stories when she started SourceBottle in 2009.

The site, headquartered in Melbourne, allows both journalists looking for sources to quote in stories and people who want to act as quotable sources to register on the site for the purposes of connecting the two groups.

She started in Australia and has since expanded to other countries.

To read more about this story, click here.

iPledg grows business while helping others to do same

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Started in 2011 in Queensland and boasting $500,000 of revenue in 2012, iPledg founders Bryan Vadas and Andy Tompkins have continued to grow the online crowd funding platform while helping other businesses and community projects get off the ground by connecting the people with the ideas directly with potential backers.

To read more about this story, click here and here.

WooCommerce Facebook Tab plugin for selling through Facebook

Friday, April 26th, 2013

WooCommerce developed this plugin in order to get your business to achieve the maximum sales and increase your sales potential through Facebook. This plugin allows you to showcase and sell your products through Facebook, it is a very nice plugin to have on the Facebook page for your business.


You can view a demo of this product at


You can buy this product directly from the Woothemes store at



The number of online shopping users in AU is on the rise

Friday, April 19th, 2013

A research which has been put in Australia shows that the number of Australian internet users who visit online shopping websites is increasingly on the rise. This is due to the fact that the traffic on social networking sites in Australia has been decreasing.

Internet users use the internet for many reasons such as socializing with friends, looking for things of interest, and more importantly do online shopping. At the very breakthrough of social media networks, it was thought that social media networks like Facebook or Twitter were the best places for every business to market its products. People tended to use Social media networks and rely on it since it offered them a free way of marketing and advertising, however many business owners have realised that social media networks are not to be the domain marketing  strategy for businesses. This is because  every successful business must have a formal website with a registered domain name where the products can be professionally showcased, an online shop is the place where every user would go to browse for products and make an instant purchase.

Another reason for the decrease of the use of social media networks is that Australian internet users have become more aware of the fact that social media networks is not the best place to browse for products. Social media networks are kind of like the fans place but not the best place where people would trust a brand to succeed and use as the main marketing strategy.

You can read more over at

A social media lesson from a 200-year-old flour company

Monday, August 20th, 2012

You may be wondering what benefits social media can have for your business. You may even wonder if anyone is interested in what you have to say.

One of the challenges is working out what you can convey that will engage your users. has a case study on a flour company and how they’ve effectively used social media. If a flour company can succesfully build a massive social audience then you can to. Think outside the box, as King Arthur Flour did.

“King Arthur Flour markets its brand by telling interesting and informative stories across multiple mediums, especially video.

In keeping with its goal of educating amateur, professional and aspiring bakers, King Arthur Flour runs a baking education centre, a schools-based “Life Skills Bread Baking Program” and a series of travelling, free baking demos.”

You can read the full article by clicking here.

Will Google+ threaten Facebook?

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Edward F. Moltzen over at has posted his thoughts on Google+ and the impact it may have on Facebook. If you’ve been hearing about Google+ but still aren’t sure what exactly it is this article is well worth a read. It explores a lot of the new features Google is planning to bring to social networking.

Check it out here.