Introducing WooCommerce 2.0.2 – The latest version of WooCommerce is here.

WooCommerce is a plugin that helps manage online stores using a WordPress website. WooCommerce 2.0.2 has officially been released to the public market. It has been considered as a major release as it has brought more features to better handle online sales.

WordPress is an open source web software, also known as a Content Management System (CMS) for managing of websites and blogs. WordPress is free software and is open to download for the public. WordPress is fully integrated with WooCommerce 2.0.2, together they make a great tool for customers, developers and website managers.

WooCommerce 2.0.2 has been released for the purpose of adding more features and fixing up some minimal issues in the previous versions of WooCommerce. WooCommerce 2.0.2 offers strength and stability, smart dashboard widgets and reporting tools, and is customizable so it can be modified to work with any installed theme.

Some of the new features of WooCommerce 2.0.2 are:

  • Improved pagination & sorting
  • Star ratings in archives
  • Realtime checkout validation
  • Cache friendly cart widgets
  • and many many more

In general, the WooCommerce 2.0.2 plugin is a really useful release as it offers more functionality & helps in controlling online sales for businesses. It is easy to use for customers who want to pay for products they buy online, with WooCommerce 2.0.2 they can do that  using various payment gateways and methods. It has features such as free shipping and flat rate shipping. All these features make up a really useful plugin that is fully integrated with WordPress.

Read the article here for more information about WooCommerce 2.0.2.

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